Friday, September 27, 2013

Effective Natural Anxiety Relief Techniques

Some Effective Natural Anxiety Relief Techniques

Many people nowadays moving towards the natural anxiety relief Techniques , by leaving the allopathic medicine because those medications are rich in side effects. Anxiety is a condition that is itself very irritable, and the person suffering from this condition some time even don't know about that. In this condition, the most common symptoms are irritability, restlessness, and headache, loss of interest in daily activities, sedation and drowsiness. There are many things, which a person can adopt as natural anxiety relief, at home and can get rid of those irritable conditions.

Today, We talk about Some very Effective Natural Anxiety Relief  easyTechniques, that can be adopted at home

Valerian Root for Anxiety

valerian root for anxiety

Valerian Root for Anxiety

Valerian root is very common plant that has got effectiveness in treating anxiety. It has many components that serve as anti-anxiety and give a person relief. However, there is some brain medicine that if a person is taking, should not use this root, otherwise symptoms may become worse. However valerian root side effects are also associated with long term uses, thus the long term use of valerian root dosage needs careful eye and expert advice.

It is required to be taken at night and nowadays it is available in tablet form, which is required to be taken once daily before going to bed.

Massaging techniques 

Massaging techniques for anxiety relief

Massaging techniques

There are some massaging techniques that soothe the muscle all over the body and also relax nervousness thus person get rid of anxiety symptoms. Thus, next time if you are suffering from anxiety then have a soothing massage all over the body that will relax your body, as well as brain.

Physical workouts and exercises

Involving yourself in exercises is also a part of natural anxiety remedy and when you do that, you divert your brain towards other activity thus brain will stop sending anxiety symptoms, and you can get rid of irritation. This doing simple exercises, walk and simple gym exercises can reduce anxiety to a large extent.

Passion Flower Herb for Anxiety

passion flower herb for anxiety,passiflora,passionflower,passion flower

Passion Flower Herb

One flower that is called  passiflora, passionflower or passion flower is very common herb in treating anxiety; however the over use of this should also be avoided otherwise severe illness can be occurred.

These all natural anxiety relief Techniques mentioned above are effective when they are used alone, and also in the prescribed dose. There is some prescribed dosage and time duration also during which you are required to take them if you can’t complete the course or even take the more than prescribed time then you will not get desired result.

Some people also try to mix this natural medicine along with their prescribed one, so this practice is also not good, and some time even leads to adverse effects and severe illness. This is because some prescribed medication produces drug interaction along with this medication. Medications like those used for nervous illness are likely to produce interaction with herbal medicine like passion flower and valerian root thus should be precautions.

Thus, I would like to recommend that if you are going for any natural anxiety relief Techniques, then you should at least concern your health provider, and he will guide you according to your condition.


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